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National Demonstration Center for Economic and management experiment

The economic and management experiment teaching center of USST. The center is the earliest in China to carry out reform and innovative activities in lab construction and experiment teaching in the field of economics and management. As early as in 1986, the university began to probe into the construction of economic and management laboratories and experiment teaching. In the 1980s and 1990s, a number of laboratories were set up in accounting, management information, office automation, business dynamics simulation, etc. In 1999, the laboratory was officially named economic and management experiment center. In July, 2006, the center won the honor of “demonstration center for economic and management experiment teaching of Shanghai”. In December 2006 and January, 2016, the center was granted the titles of “national demonstration center of economic and management experiment teaching” and “national experiment teaching center for virtual simulation of modern enterprise operation” respectively, thus becoming the only experiment center with two national titles in USST.


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