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First Research Achievement Made by China-Cuba International Joint Laboratory of Tumor Diagnosis and Energy Therapy

February 15, 2023

The first research achievement has been published since the unveiling of China-Cuba International Joint Laboratory of Tumor Diagnosis and Energy Therapy. Prof. Ouyang Ruizhuo, Prof. Liu Baolin, Prof. Miao Yuqing form USST and Prof. Abel Ibrahim Balbín Tamayo from University of Havana, Cuba, conducted the research of constructing an ultra-sensitive electrochemical biosensor for miRNA-21 detection Based on a dual signal amplification strategy of novel accordion-like Bi2O3-decorated Ti3C2 (Ti3C2@Bi2O3) nanocomposites and hybridization chain reaction (HCR). The excellent detection of miRNA-21 in human blood plasma displayed a broad prospect in clinical diagnosis. The research paper “Ti3C2@Bi2O3 nanoaccordion for electrochemical determination of miRNA 21” was published in Ti3C2@Bi2O3 nanoaccordion for electrochemical determination of miRNA 21. The first author of the paper was Prof. Ouyang Ruizhuo, Jiang Lan, Xie Xianjin, and Dr. Yuan Ping, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital; the corresponding author was Prof. Ouyang Ruizhuo, Prof. Abel Ibrahim Balbín Tamayo, Prof. Liu Baolin, and Prof. Miao Yuqing. USST was the first unit of the paper.

Link to the paper: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00604-022-05624-8; https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/RA/D2RA01047J

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