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USST Summer Exchange Program to Japan Successfully Concluded

August 8, 2023

In order to develop students' international vision, improve students' practical ability, and promote the construction of high-level university, the summer exchange program to Japan, which was jointly organized by the International Affairs Office, the Student Affairs Office, and the Youth League Committee of the university, was carried out in Tokyo, Japan, from July 23 to August 5, which was included in the "Big World" program of USST's student leadership enhancement and high-level construction five years ago, and was certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China as the Year of Sino-Japanese Youth Exchanges and Promotions. The 40 students who participated in this study & visit program were openly selected by the whole university and received pre-departure education and related preparations, and carried out a two-week study, visit and exchange under the leadership of He Lujin, Director of the Student Affairs Office, Yang Yang, Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the university, and He Weiming, Director of the Japan Cultural Exchange Center. This is also the first time in more than three years that our school has organized a group to go to Japan, which is of positive significance to promote the resumption of two-way exchanges between students and has attracted a lot of attention.

Experiencing Cultural Interaction--Building a Friendship Bridge between China and Japan

The delegation went to Hatoyama Hall and visited Mr. Yukio Hatoyama, former Prime Minister of Japan. Mr. Hatoyama, who has always been committed to the cause of Sino-Japanese friendly exchanges, warmly welcomed the visiting students and teachers, recalled his destiny with USST, held a good vision for the long-term and stable development of Sino-Japanese friendly relations, and hoped that our students would become a bridge and link for the Sino-Japanese friendly exchanges. As early as 2012, Mr. Yukio Hatoyama had led a delegation to visit USST and planted a cherry tree symbolizing Sino-Japanese friendship in front of the Japan Culture Center in Hujiang International Cultural Park. To this day, USST students presented Mr. Hatoyama with a watercolor paintings with the background of the Japan Culture Center and the cherry tree planted by Mr. Hatoyama to commemorate Mr. Hatoyama's deep friendship with our university.

The delegation also visited the Diet Hall, the seat of Japan's national political center. The delegation visited the interior of the Diet Hall and learned in detail about the architectural history of the Diet Hall and its scale, the structure and operation of the Parliament, etc., so as to continuously enlarge their international visions and enhance their level of pattern.

Showing Youthful Style - Stimulating the Collision of Academic Ideas

The delegation has gone to the University of Tokyo, Chuo University, Waseda University and other famous universities for visits and exchanges, to enlarge international vision, improve academic quality, and enhance the friendship between Chinese and Japanese students.

At the University of Tokyo, the highest academic hall in Japan, the delegation visited the Department of Engineering and the advanced laboratories of Prof. Kazu Asama's group on automatic obstacle avoidance robots, measurement and modeling of human movements of service robots, and so on.

At Chuo University's Tama Campus and Gourakuen Campus (Faculty of Science and Engineering), our visiting group held keynote speeches, talent shows and group discussions with Chuo University students, studied and listened to lectures by experts in the laboratories of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and experienced advanced technologies such as bionic robots, photocatalytic materials, and anti-noise simulation walls.

At Waseda University, the visiting delegation was introduced and led by Prof. Ogata to see various displays of artificial intelligence in the future, including household cooking robots, elderly care robots, guiding robots and inspection robots in medical care.

Over the past few days, the young students of two nations talked about their study life and ideal pursuits, stimulated each other's academic thought collision, and showed the vitality and enthusiasm of the young people. Meanwhile, USST students fully demonstrated their personal talents in the exchanges with Japanese colleges, universities and enterprises, and actively disseminated the excellent traditional Chinese culture and the Chinese young people's good and friendly, upward-looking style.

Visiting the City of Science and Technology - Experiencing the Spirit of Technological Craftsmanship

The group visited JEOL, the world's top manufacturer of scientific instruments. At least thirteen scientists from all over the world have been awarded the Nobel Prize for their use of JEOL's equipment, and its advanced technology has become a benchmark in the industry. Members of the delegation were guided by the staff to operate the scanning electron microscope to observe the microstructure of hair and its elements, and felt the great charm of the microscopic world.

After that, the delegation first came to the Ryukoku-kan exhibition hall to listen to a lecture on the outline of the Metropolitan Peripheral Drainage Channel, which is known as the "Underground Shrine," and then went to the depth of 70 meters below ground to see its magnificent structure, learn about the working principle of the drainage channel, and realize the importance of this facility for disaster prevention and mitigation in Japan. They learned in detail how the drainage channel works and realized the significance of this facility for disaster prevention and mitigation in Japan.

Our deletation also visited the Kikkoman Soy Sauce Company, which has a history of more than 350 years, and whose natural, streamlined formula and strict manufacturing process convey the spirit of a company that has remained consistent for over a century.

In recent years, waste separation has been introduced in Chinese cities such as Shanghai. At the Kawasaki Waste Treatment Center, teachers and students experienced the Future Ecology Pavilion and the solar power plant, and learned about the entire process of waste separation and treatment in the area, which contains the 3R principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) that are worth learning from.

During the visit to Japan, Mr. He Weiming, the director of the Japan Culture Center of USST, as a representative, was received by Mr. Chen Wei, Minister Counselor and Consul General of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Japan, who highly affirmed the contribution of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology to the promotion of Sino-Japanese civil exchanges, and encouraged the young students of the visiting delegation to tell the story of China well, disseminate Chinese voices well, and to learn from each other and make progress in exchanges to contribute to the enhancement of mutual understanding among the young people of China and Japan, and to promote the construction of a community of human destiny.

during this visit to Japan, students felt the charm of Japanese culture, science and technology and academics in colorful activities, improved their scientific literacy, innovative thinking and communication and expression skills in communication and practice, interpreted the relationship between China and the world while participating in international exchanges and expanding international perspectives, found the logical construction between the individual development of contemporary young people and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We will strive to be a young generation with a sense of family and country, international vision and competitiveness.

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