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Delegation from SBC Visits UK Universities

June 19, 2024

To further expand cooperation and exchanges with UK universities, the delegation from the Sino-British College (SBC) visited Cardiff University and Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) from 10 June to 14 June.
On June 10, the SBC delegation visited Cardiff University, where they were warmly welcomed by Professor Mohamed Naim, Chair in Logistics and Operations Management, Professor Reza Ahmadian, Director of International and Engagement, Sophie Lewis, International Partnerships Manager, and relevant programme leaders and colleagues. Both sides held discussions and exchanged views on topics such as international education, high-level cooperation programmes, and short-term exchange projects. Professor Rupert Ward, Executive Dean of SBC, gave a brief introduction to the College, highlighting the long history of internationalisation between the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) and UK universities. He expressed the hope to expand the relationship with Cardiff University through this visit, promoting in-depth cooperation in international education and Master and doctoral programmes. Both parties expressed their desire for win-win cooperation, exploring new models of collaborative education and talent development, and agreed to further improve the relationship between the two universities, contributing new achievements to the higher education and cooperation between China and the UK.

From June 11 to June 12, the SBC delegation visited Liverpool John Moores University, attended the Global Collaborative Partner Forum of LJMU, and visited the School of Engineering. The delegation was warmly welcomed by Professor Laura Bishop, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Faculty of Science, Professor Timothy Nichol, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Faculty of Business and Law, Dr. Julia Yi Wang, Director of International Relations, and programme leaders and colleagues from the School of Engineering and relevant programmes. Professor Rupert Ward delivered a report at the Forum titled "Personalised Learning: Exploration and Practice of SBC", introducing the development history, one-to-N consortium model, and unique educational features of the College. He showcased the significant achievements in course development, international accreditations, innovation and entrepreneurship, and student development, sharing experiences and practices in supporting personalised learning with the core themes, namely Responsible Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Cultural Empathy, highly praised by the attendees.

On the afternoon of 12 June, the SBC Delegation visited the School of Engineering of Liverpool John Moores University. They were welcomed by Professor Russell English, Associate Dean of the School of Engineering, Dr. Robyn Pyne, Associate Dean of Global Engagement, and professors from relevant disciplines. Both sides affirmed the achievements of their collaboration and conducted in-depth discussions on teaching and learning, quality assurance, faculty visits, student exchanges, summer schools and more. Both parties agreed that USST and LJMU share a deep friendship and recognize the necessity to establish further cooperation. The Delegation then visited the laboratories of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Electronic Engineering and interacted with the students from the School of Engineering who had completed the 2024 SBC international summer school recently. The students expressed their hopes to work with the faculty and students of SBC on more innovation and entrepreneurship projects and international competitions, contributing to the promotion of cultural exchanges and friendly relations between China and the UK.

This visit enhanced mutual trust between the SBC-USST and its UK partner universities, laying a foundation for further cooperative relationships in international education.

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