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SBC lecturer, Guo Xiaoshuang Published an Article in a Top Journal

September 26, 2021 | By Zhang Liu | Copyedited by William, Zhang Liu

Recently, Guo Xiaoshuang from Sino-British College published an academic paper entitled “Can individual investors learn from experience in online P2P lending? Evidence from China” in an internationally top journal: The North American Journal of Economics and Finance.

The article Can individual investors learn from experience in online P2P lending? Evidence from China explores the relationship between investor performance and experience in online P2P lending with an account-level dataset from a large Chinese online peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platform. The empirical results show that P2P investors learn rationally in two ways: the first way is by learning about their ability; the second way is by learning to improve their performance.

The North American Journal of Economics and Finance is an internationally top academic journal, which has an impact factor of 2,772. The journal publishes high-quality original manuscripts in financial economics, and aims to provide prompt and constructive reviews to authors. The journal not only reflects booming discipline construction and improved scientific level, but also demonstrates the high priority of SBC to training faculties’ capabilities of scientific research.

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