Recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and the National Standardization Administration (NSA) have officially released 328 national standards, among which is GB/T 44896-2024, Press and Publication—Knowledge Services—Construction and Application of Knowledge System, a USST-led national standard, drawn up by the drafting group headed by Professor ZHANG Xinxin from the College of Publishing, USST. Professor CONG Tin and Associate Professor LUO Mengyu of USST also participated in the drafting work. The national standard will go into effect from February 1st, 2025 on.

USST assumes the leading group unit of the drafting group of the alleged national standard, and a variety of other institutions, such as Tsinghua University Press Co., Ltd, Hainan University, Hebei Leading Culture Communication Co., Ltd, Zhongtu Kexin Digital Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd, Wuhan University and Chinese Academy of Press and Publication (CAPP) serve as associate-leading group units.
The alleged national standard is mainly used to guide institutions of press and publication to formulate and optimize their knowledge system and enhance the core competitiveness of the cultural industry to make due contributions in upgrading China’s national cultural soft power. Additionally, based on the knowledge system, the standard shall guide the implementation of the digital strategy for the cultural industry, and continue to deepen the transformation of the knowledge services, moving towards a comprehensive, multi-media, three-dimensional, multi-level and cross-media knowledge services provider. It is also intended to enhance the digital capabilities of public cultural services, strengthen the implementation of the digital strategy for the cultural industry, and launch a large number of new cultural enterprises, cultural formats, and new consumption models. Furthermore, this standard helps to guide the healthy, orderly, and high-quality development of press and publication and knowledge services, and upgrade the ability and levels of all walks of life serving the national economy.

The standard defines the terms and definitions related to the construction and application of knowledge systems to make sure the consistency of concepts; proposes a series of principles constructed by ontology of knowledge, such as scientific, innovative, collaborative, systematic, visualized and application-oriented principles; puts forward the establishment of knowledge units, the identification of logical relationships between knowledge units, the description of knowledge systems and the construction of knowledge systems, and the detailed picture of their process to ensure that the construction process of knowledge systems is scientific, rational and operational; and puts forward a wide array of scenarios used by knowledge systems, including knowledge products, intelligent Q&A, knowledge indexing, knowledge association, personalized recommendations as well as cultural property right evaluation and rights identification.
In the past two years, Professor ZHANG Xinxin, together with his team, has reaped the approval of drafting, and releasing of three national standards for knowledge services and four standards for the publishing industry. He also serves as a registered expert for the ISO international standards and head of the Chinese delegation at the 50th and the 51st annual conferences of ISO/TC46. In 2021, two national standards for knowledge services drafted under his leadership won the Standardization Innovation Achievement Award approved by the National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA). In November 2024, Professor ZHANG, as head of the drafting group, drafted another industry standard—Application Requirements for Virtual Reality (VR) Technology in Publications and won the Shanghai Industry Standard Special Award by the Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation.
Standards are the technical cornerstone of economic activities and social development, and a pivotal part of a country’s fundamental system. In recent years, the College of Publishing at USST has integrated standard drafting with scientific research projects and the transformation of achievements, strengthening the drafting of standards for such fields as book publication, cultural services, intellectual property, and information resources management, which have contributed USST’s wisdom to the promotion of the implementation of the digital strategy for the cultural industry, optimizing the construction of the knowledge system, and deepening the transformation and upgrading of knowledge services. Press and Publication—Knowledge Services—Construction and Application of Knowledge System is one of the important fruits of “Research on Cultural Products Property Right Evaluation and Right Identification Application Technology” (2021YFF0900400), a National Key Research and Development (R&D) Program of China led by Professor ZHANG Xinxin. Recently, the English version of this national standard shall be released to enhance international communication efficiency and promote the development of standardization for publication towards a higher level.