Dry eye disease(DED), a prevalent mutli-factorial ophthalmic disease characterized by ocular discomfort and blurred vision, has an immense effect on patients’ daily lives. Although current steroid...
Recently, Yang Tiebing, a master’s student from the School of Energy and Power-engineering, has published a research achievement with the title of “New design of in situ hydrogen absorption/stora...
Recently, Dr. Xin Yanmei and Prof. Miao Yuqing worked together with Prof. Zhang Zhonghai from East China Normal University to report an oxygen vacancies-Induced antifouling photo-electrochemical ap...
Miao Ke and Liu Xiangyu from the College of Communication and Art Design won German iF Award. Nearly 11000 art works from 72 countries and regions are involved in the competition.Miao Ke won the aw...
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