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USSTers Got COVID Vaccination inside Campus

April 8, 2021 | By Zhang Liu | Copyedited by William, Zhang Liu

With joint efforts of Department of Logistics, Department of Security, Asset Management Department, Information Office, Sports Department, USST has implemented strict and comprehensive epidemic prevention measures from April 6th to 7th. Temporary vaccination area was set in sports culture center of Jungong Road Campus. The majority of teachers and students received vaccines against covid-19.

“It is convenient and relieved to get vaccinated inside campus. I could hardly feel pains because the injection is gentle. A sense of security fills in my mind after being vaccinated,” said Ma Ruizhou, a junior student from School of Communication and Art Design who have just got vaccinated. A lot of volunteers were arranged for the vaccination process. Yu Bingxin, a senior student from school of Foreign Languages, was responsible for checking informed consent submission, appointment code and ID card. She said: “Getting vaccinated against covid-19 is meaningful for us. Now I recognize the importance of each essential procedure of vaccination thorough this voluntary experience. I am glad to make contributions to the school’s epidemic prevention and control.”

Shao Rong, Vice Director of Department of Logistics said, “The temporary vaccination area can hold 400-500 persons each hour. Teachers and students can get vaccinated from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. the whole day. The number of persons getting vaccinated approaches 4000, none of who was reported to abnormally react. We hope the massive campus vaccination can finish within a short time, leading to the herd immunity at USST.”

Previously, USST has driven more than 16 thousand teachers and students to get vaccinated in Yangpu centralized vaccination area. Now, under the support of Yangpu Health Commission and Changbai Xincun Street, the vaccination area has been moved into USST campus where more than 30 medics from the East Hospital of Shanghai Affiliated to USST provided services and guidance, in collaboration of USST medical staff, ensuring the smooth work for vaccination.

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