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Prof. Martin Booth from Oxford University Went To USST for An Academic Exchange

August 19, 2023

On August 10th, invited by Academician Gu Min, IPC, Prof. Martin Booth, Oxford University paid a visit to USST and Delivered an academic report. President Ding Xiaodong and Academician Gu Min met the delegation led by Prof. Martin at Hujiang International Cultural Park.
Ding Xiaodong warmly welcomed Professor Martin Booth's visit and provided a detailed introduction of the school's history and advantageous disciplines. President Ding started with the school's educational background with strong international characteristics. Over the past 120 years of development, the school has made some achievements in the educational internationalization. He hoped that both sides could promote deeper cooperation through academic exchanges. Professor Martin Booth gave an introduction of the discipline of engineering science and research conducted by the team at Oxford University. Both sides also exchanged views on possible cooperation in undergraduate education under the "Gezhi Innovation Class".
After the meeting, Professor Martin visited the "Photon Aspect Forum" of IPC and gave a report titled "Adaptive Optics for High-Resolution Microscopy and Photon Engineering".  In the report, Professor Martin introduced how dynamic optical components (such as deformable mirrors and spatial light modulators) can be used to improve the capabilities of laser micro-manufacturing and optical microscopes, demonstrating how adaptive aberration correction and dynamic parallelization can improve accuracy and reliability, as well as how laser writing technology can be applied in quantum optics, radiation sensing, and safety labeling of diamond gemstones. This report has attracted students from multiple schools such as Nanjing University and the University of Macau to participate online and offline throughout the entire process.
Accompanied by Academician Gu Min, Prof. Martin visited Hujiang International Cultural Park, School’s History Museum, and the Laboratories of IPC.
Professor Martin Booth read for a degree in Engineering Science at Hertford College, Oxford, from 1993-7. His doctoral work in adaptive optics for confocal microscopy took place in the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford from 1997-2001, during which time he was also a member of Jesus College.
In 2001, Martin was elected to a Junior Research Fellowship at Christ Church and in 2003 was appointed a Royal Academy of Engineering/EPSRC Research Fellow. In 2007 he was awarded a five-year EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship and was concurrently elected to a Hugh Price Fellowship at Jesus College.
He became Professor of Engineering Science and Senior Research Fellow at Jesus College in 2014. He also holds a College Lecturership at Lincoln College. His current research interests centre on the development of new dynamic optical methods for applications ranging from biomedical imaging to laser-based manufacturing. He won the Young Researcher Award in Optical Technologies” from the School of Advanced Optical Technologies at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg in 2012 and the International Commission for Optics Prize in 2014. He was appointed as Visiting Professor of School of Advanced Optical Technologies at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg in 2012, Fellow of Optical Society (OSA), 2017Fellow, SPIE in 2021 and Fellow of Institute of Physics in 2021.

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