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A High-level Cover Paper Published by the Team from the College of Science

December 6, 2019

Team from the College of Science Li Yuhao, Miao Yuqing and Ouyang Ruizhuo published a high-level cover paper called “Ultrafast synthesizing Bismuth mesoporous nanolitchi radiosensitizer loading high dose DOX for CT-guided enhanced chemoradiotherapy” in the internationally renowned journal ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. Founded by the American Chemical Society (ACS), it is a comprehensive journal in such areas as materials science, chemistry with its latest impact factor 8.456, ranking among Area 1of Engineering Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Cancer is one of the main factors affecting human life. The treatment of cancer usually takes the form of radiation or chemotherapy in addition to surgery. This paper tells about the innovative manufacture of Lycium-based Bismuth mesoporous nanomaterials with a porous structure for CT-guided enhanced combination therapy of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The Bismuth porous material in the composite material can enhance the therapeutic effect of the radiotherapy on the tumour, and simultaneously carry out a sustained release in vivo by using the carried chemotherapeutic drug, thereby achieving synergistic combination therapy of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The material demonstrates good ability to inhibit tumour growth in the mouse breast cancer tumour and achieve the purpose of tumour treatment.
Inactive response to the layout of the medical-engineering cross-disciplinary collaborative research, the team of Bismuth science and biomedical materials collaborated with Sun Jun, a researcher at Proton Heavy Ion Hospital. Under the joint guidance of both parties, the first author of the research paper, Liu Jie, carried out a medical-engineering interdisciplinary study of tumour-based therapeutics for Bismuth nanomaterials, providing a new treatment concept based on Bismuth for cancer treatment.
The Bismuth scientific research team is mainly engaged in the research of Bismuth elements and other related fields such as nano-biomedicine and materials. The current research centers on nano-medicine, anti-cancer drugs, antibacterial materials and photocatalysis, etc.


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