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"Materials Science and Engineering Experimental Teaching Center" Approved as a Shanghai-level.

November 24, 2020

Recently,  the "Notice on Announcement of the List ofShanghai Municipal Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center Construction in 2019" (Shanghai Higher Education Commission [2020] No. 68) issued by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission announced that the Materials Science and Engineering Experimental Teaching Center was approved as a Shanghai-level experimental teaching demonstration center.
According to the relevant requirements of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission on the construction of the Shanghai-level experimental teaching demonstration center in 2019, after the application of the college and recommendation of USST,  organized by  Shanghai Municipal Education Commission,  through expert review and on-site investigations, the Materials Science and Engineering Experimental Teaching Center was successfully approved as a “Shanghai-level Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center”. USST has established another municipal experimental teaching platform after the approval of the Shanghai Municipal Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for the Medical Apparatus Engineering Experimental Center in 2018.

The Materials Science and Engineering Experimental Teaching Center was founded in 2009 and currently subordinated with 7 comprehensive labs, including materials science lab, materials engineering lab, computational simulation lab, material training centers, analytical testing centers, material innovation practice platform, and international additive manufacturing  lab, covering a total area of about 4950 square meters and equipped with 1011 sets of experimental devices and apparatus, and the value of the fixed assets of experimental devices reaches more than 245 million yuan.
Since the approval of the school-level experimental teaching demonstration center of Materials Science and Engineering Experimental Teaching Center in 2018, it aims at the  national and municipal level and regards it as the construction goal. All the faculty members and students of the college are striving for it. According to the construction standards and goals, through scientific formulation and meticulous arrangement, and implementing it step by step, fruitful outcomes have been achieved in experimental teaching and management, experimental equipment and environment, as well as demonstration effects.

USST also attaches great importance to the construction of experimental teaching demonstration centers with key investment, and continuously strengthens the construction. Various functional departments carefully organized and worked together, and in accordance with the requirements of the application, making repeated revisions and meticulous refinement of the application documents to make it better, meanwhile highlighting the  features and spotlights  of the school and college in experimental teaching of materials science and engineering.

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